Pickup and drop-off parking arrangements
At drop-off (from 08:45 to 08:55) and at pick up time (15:15) parents are asked to park in the village car park. It is approximately a two minute walk from there to the school.
It can be possible to also park behind the village hall - if there is no booking.
The Plough Inn also will allow short-term parking at pick up and drop off time. Please park considerately.
Please refrain from parking in the staff car park and in the church parking spaces.
Only families with a blue badge permit can park in the disabled space in front of the school.
When dropping off and picking up your child please be aware that delivery vans and some other vehicles may come into the turning circle in front of the school.
Thank you for your continued support in making the front of the school safe for children and families, especially during these busy times of the school day.