Our intention is for our children to learn about themselves as developing individuals and as members of their communities, building on their own experiences and experiences of others, and through our Christian values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect. Inspired by our school vision, the children are encouraged to be brave in their learning, and take risks knowing we ‘do all things through Christ who strengthens us’ (Phil 4/13).
Our PSHE programme of study – SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) aims to equip our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Our curriculum intends to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that foster pupils’ knowledge and skills necessary to grow personally and socially, to protect and enhance their wellbeing, to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, who are able to responsibly contribute to our diverse society. SCARF promotes a deep understanding of British Values, developing appreciation of others and their value in society, as well as build positive views of themselves, so as to develop their self-worth, a strong sense of identity and become confident citizens by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. All the topics support social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and provide all pupils with appropriate and essential safeguarding knowledge to enable them to know they can ask for help.
The SCARF programme of study is fully in line with the learning outcomes and core themes of the PSHE Association scheme of work. It covers all the required objectives and follows the three core areas of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.
We aim to provide effective sex and relationship education, to enable the children to make responsible and well-informed decisions about their lives, to help and support them through their physical, emotional and moral development and to move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood. This fulfils the requirements of the 2020 Statutory Relationship and Health Education which enables all pupils to build good, safe and healthy relationships now and in their future lives.