Wraparound Care at Longparish - Please complete the survey by Friday 7th May
Dear Parents and Carers,
Having spoken with a few parents in the school community about wraparound care, we have decided to collect some more information that will inform us of the financial viability of before and after care at Longparish.
To gauge interest in the possibility of us providing this care, I have created a survey using 'survey monkey' which we would appreciate if parents could complete and submit by Friday 7th May.
A few points to note:
- You only need to complete the survey if you are interested in before and/or after school care.
- The before and after school care will be an opportunity for children to participate in games, arts and crafts and have social interaction. The provision is there for any parent or carer that would like to access it whether you are working or not.
- Both clubs would provide food. At breakfast club there would be a small range of options that might include cereals, toast, fruit and yoghurts. The after-school club would provide some light refreshments that might include wraps, sandwiches, fruit or biscuits.
- Both clubs would provide nutrition that is nut free.
- Unlike an after-school club provided by the teaching staff, the wrap around care would be run every day that is viable. Staff absence would be covered unless there are extreme circumstances, for example, weather preventing travel to the school. Unfortunately, we are not always able to offer cover for the after school clubs that are run by the teaching staff.
- We are currently in discussion about the cost of the provision. It may depend on how many children attend regularly. However, following the initial research I have done, we would look to charge between £4:00 and £5:00 for the breakfast club for 1 hour. The after-school club would cost between £10:00 and £12:00 for 2 hours.
- The breakfast club would run from 7:45am - 8:45am. I am not certain of the timings for the after-school club yet, but from my initial research, we would run it from 3:15 pm to 5:15 pm. Please comment in the boxes if you have any thoughts around this.
Here is the link to the survey
I will analyse the data over the weekend and inform parents of the outcomes as soon as I can.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or queries about this,
Kind Regards,
Mrs Nicky White