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Longparish Church of England Primary School (Aided)

Kingfisher Class


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to Kingfisher Class

For children in years 3 and 4.

Our termly newsletter is published below


Fun facts about the Kingfisher bird:

  • Kingfishers eat mainly fish, chiefly minnows and sticklebacks, but they also take aquatic insects, freshwater shrimps and tadpoles.

  • They close their eyes as they dive into the water, so they are fishing blind! They bob their heads before diving to accurately judge the depth of the fish.

  • Kingfisher courtship occurs in spring. The male will approach the female with a fish in his beak. He will hold it so that the head of the fish is facing outwards and attempt to feed it to the female. If he is unsuccessful he will simply eat the fish himself. He may have to repeat this feeding behaviour for some time before mating occurs.

  • A kingfisher pair dig a nest tunnel in vertical, sandy river banks. The nest chamber at the end has a slight depression to prevent eggs rolling out, but no material is brought into the nest.

  • The first clutch of 6-7 eggs is laid in late March or in early April. Each chick can eat 12-18 fish a day meaning the adults may catch over 120 fish each day for their brood.

Here, you will find a variety of information that will help you organise everything to have a really successful year.

Class Teacher: Mrs Roberts

Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Mrs Clacy

A few reminders:

Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays

Please don't forget to wear your kit into school. As long as the weather permits, we will be outside so please remember to wrap up warm on the chillier days!

We try and get out as much as possible, so if it is drizzly we may still take a break outside. It is really important that children come to school with a warm raincoat on those damper days.

Homework Expectations:

Read, read, read! Encourage your child to read at home as much as possible.

Each week the class will be given 10 spellings in accordance with our school spelling scheme for the year group. They will be taught in small spelling lessons the strategies behind these spellings and tested on a Friday. 

Each week the class will decide their own times table target and will practise the table for a times table test on both the multiplication and division calculations. Once they have full marks they will move on to the next times table. 

Some school documents to support you:

Meet the teacher ppt

Termly Overviews - a full overview document is listed below. 

End of Year expectations for Year 3

End of Year expectations for Year 4

KIRFS for whole year for year 3 and 4

Our school online learning websites:

These links take you to a number of websites that will offer you an opportunity to practice and rehearse your learning in order to become a more confident and fluent learner - be it a more fluent reader or a more fluent mathematician who can rapidly recall all his 12x12 times tables.

Other school based links:

Useful links to help you:

Long Division:


Sing-along to learn your times tables:

9 x Table8 x Table7 x Tables6 x Table5 x Table4 x Table  (or this one, or this one!), 3 x Tables

Recommended books lists/websites to help parents find the right book for their child to read:

Thank you for your continued support!

The Year 3/4 Team